Page 22 - nou Systems Employee Handbook Final
P. 22

employment of  nou Systems. The Human Resource Manager is responsible  for policy

               nou Systems maintains an  extensive  Drug-Free Workplace Policy that  each employee is
               responsible for reading and acknowledging annually. For further information, contact the Human
               Resources Department.

               6.3 General Safety Guidelines
               It is the responsibility of all employees to follow all safety guidelines and to do their part in
               maintaining a safe  work environment  for themselves,  their coworkers, and Customers.
               Employees are expected to conduct all tasks in a safe and efficient manner, comply with all local,
               State and Federal health and safety regulations, follow all program standards and address any
               safety concerns raised by Customers or nou Systems management.

               Although most safety regulations are consistent throughout each department and program, each
               employee has the responsibility to identify and familiarize themselves with the emergency plan
               for his/her working area. Each facility will have an emergency plan posted detailing procedure in
               handling emergencies such as fire, weather related events, and medical crises.

               It is the responsibility of the employee to report immediately to their supervisor any accident or
               health incident that they are involved in or witness. It is also the responsibility of the employee
               to report immediately to their supervisor or management of any unsafe conditions that exist
               within their work environment that pose a threat to their safety or wellbeing or that of their co-

               Management requires  that every person in the organization assume  the responsibility of
               individual and organizational safety. Failure to follow Customer or Company safety and health
               guidelines or engaging in conduct that places the employee, Customer, or Company property at
               risk can lead to employee disciplinary action up to and including termination. For more detail on
               Safety, please refer to the Human Resource Department.

               6.4 Tobacco- and Smoke-Free Workplace
               In keeping with nou Systems’ intent to provide a safe and healthful work environment, smoking
               and/or use of any tobacco products, including vapor or electronic cigarettes is prohibited within
               nou-systems facilities, however, smoking is allowed in designated outdoor smoking areas. All nou
               Systems  facilities are “Smoke Free Facilities.”  Employees are subject to the rules of our
               customers’ “Smoke Free Facility” guidelines that may or may not include a designated outside
               smoking area.

               Some non-smoking employees may be highly sensitive or allergic to tobacco residue. In order to
               respect these employees, smokers must ensure that their clothing is free of any residual smoking

               nSI Employee Handbook                         22                                Rev. 4 (2021))
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