Page 23 - nou Systems Employee Handbook Final
P. 23

6.5 Driving Policy
               We each have a responsibility to protect ourselves and those around us when on the road.
               Employees that are required to drive on Company business will be expected to consistently follow
               all the procedures below:

                   •      All employees are expected to wear seat belts at all times while in a moving vehicle
                          being used for Company business, whether they are the driver or a passenger (which
                          includes passengers in the rear seats of the vehicle).
                   •      Safety must come before all other concerns. Regardless of the circumstances,
                          including slow or stopped traffic, employees are required to pull off to the side of the
                          road, into a parking lot, or other safe location before placing or accepting a call unless
                          using a hands-free operation. In addition, employees should refrain from discussion
                          of complicated or emotional matters and keep their eyes on the road. Special care
                          should be taken in situations  where there is traffic, inclement  weather or  the
                          employee is driving in an unfamiliar area. Employees who are charged with traffic
                          violations resulting from the use of their phone or other electronic devices while
                          driving will  be solely responsible for all liabilities and fines that result from such
                   •      Engaging in other distracting activities including, but not limited to eating, applying
                          makeup, reading, or changing radio stations or music, is also strongly discouraged
                          while driving, even when in slow-moving traffic.
                   •      Use of alcohol, drugs or other substances, including certain over the counter and
                          prescription medications that in any way impair driving ability, is strictly prohibited.
                   •      All employees are expected  to  follow all  driving laws and safety rules such as
                          adherence  to  posted speed limits and  directional signs,  use of  turn signals and
                          avoidance of confrontational or offensive behavior while driving.
                   •      Employees should never allow anyone to ride in any part of the vehicle not specifically
                          intended for passenger use and/or any seat that does not include a working seat belt.
                   •      Employees must promptly report any accidents to local law enforcement as well as to
                          the President.
                   •      Vehicles owned, leased, or rented by nou Systems are to be used to conduct Company
                          business only and are not available for personal use, unless approved by the Company

               6.6 Protect Your Belongings
               To guard against theft of your personal belongings, be sure to keep your wallet, purse and/or any
               other valuables in a safe  place and keep your car locked.  nou Systems  will not assume
               responsibility for the loss of such property. Do not leave your nou Systems badge or, if applicable,
               your government badge in your vehicle.

               nSI Employee Handbook                         23                                Rev. 4 (2021))
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