Page 19 - S2S Magazine Preview - Draft V16 - updated
P. 19
LaKeisha Hamilton Robinson
Doctoral student LaKeisha Hamilton Robinson - daughter of Carrousel
Covette J. Durham Hamilton, granddaughter of Carrousel Vivian P.
Durham, goddaughter of Carrousel Verna Watts, and niece of Carrousel
Barbara Henley - received “The Scientist Professional Award” from the
Department of Psychology at Tennessee State University. The award
recognizes students who have demonstrated exceptional potential for
leadership at the frontiers of scientific knowledge. This is the highest
award bestowed on a student who is beginning their final internship
year. Lakeisha will be interning at The Jesse Brown Department of Veterans
Affairs Medical Center in Chicago.
One year old, Aaliyah
Jade Hill, great
granddaughter of
Carrousel Mae &
Carrafella Bob is
walking now. They
are so proud of her.