Page 3 - Trooper Fall 2021
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Treasurers’ Update

        I wish you and you’re your families a safe and healthy holiday season. Please take a moment to check out the
        SPAM Benevolent Fund ( and consider donating. The SPAM Benevolent Fund
        helps our members, other first responders, and members of the community.

        I would like to thank Troopers Ben Joress and Orlando Medina for organizing the B Troop Fall Classic that bene-
        fitted the SPAM Benevolent Fund. Additionally, I would like to thank all our sponsors (SP Springfield, Rob Pion,
        Rusty O’Dowd – Guaranteed Rate, Carmen’s Union, EL Harvey & Sons, Interstate Towing, Secure Energy, Cou-
        rier Express, Leary Masonry Solutions Inc., Randall’s Farm, Wireless Zone, Chuck’s Towing, Astro Chemicals,
        Red’s Towing, CJ’s Towing, and Charity Golf International). The Fall Classic raised over $13,000.00 for the SPAM
        Benevolent Fund.

        Our finances remain stable, and our investments continue to grow. Our Legal Defense Fund and Benevolent
        Fund remain healthy. We continue to streamline our business practices to reduce costs. The modernization of the
        Association is an ongoing effort with many infrastructure upgrades.

        I am proud to stand beside all of you as a fellow Trooper and represent our organization as a Constitutional Offi-
        cer. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions you may have (617) 523-0130 or


        Christopher Donahue
        State Police Association of Massachusetts

           The Association sends a big shout out and thanks to Perro’s Flowers for

                         donating flowers to the graduation of the 86th RTT.

                                                    284 Grafton Street
                                                  Worcester, MA 01604
                                                      (508) 755-7744

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