Page 6 - Trooper Fall 2021
P. 6
During a proactive street patrol, the Brockton Team initiated a motor vehicle stop after observing several motor
vehicle violations. After further investigation, the operator was arrested after a 9mm semi-automatic firearm
was located in the natural void under the gear shift. The firearm was loaded with 13 rounds in a large capacity
feeding device. Unreal work.
Our central team experience
good results during two specific
investigations. During the month
of September, Central Team
members sought and executed a
search warrant at the residence
of a known Blood Gang member,
resulting in the seizure of 19 grams
of fentanyl and 18 grams of crack
cocaine and US Currency. Another
investigation and granted search
warrant in Fitchburg resulted in
the seizure of a rifle with a high-
capacity magazine, handgun, and
Sometimes a solid bust happens on your way home. A Gang Unit Trooper from our West Team conducted a
motor vehicle stop which resulted I the seizure of 900 bags of fentanyl! During the month of October, the West
team assisted local partners with a car stop resulting in the arrest of a known gang member the recovery of a
Our north team has seen success in proactive street patrols in the seizures of trafficking weight in both fentanyl
and cocaine on the streets of Lawrence. During the month of October, the North Team conducted an investigation
which resulted in the execution of a search warrant, leading to the recovery of 110 grams of coke, 300 grams of
meth pills, and a .45 caliber handgun.
Bringing it back east to the north of Boston, our Metro
Team recently concluded a complex investigation into
a group of Gangster Disciples in Salem and Lawrence
and involved a lot of moving parts to include several
avenues of surveillance and an Undercover Trooper.
Three search warrants were sought and approved by
respective courts, and the Metro Team coordinated
the execution of these warrants that included entry
assistance from the MSP STOP Team. Three targets were
taken into custody. Seized evidence included 780 grams
of fentanyl, 14 grams of coke, 12 grams of fentanyl
pills and approximately several thousand dollars in US
Currency. Unbelievable work by these investigators.
Trooper Newsletter Page 5