Page 9 - Maintenance Course Catalog_MT
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ST-SP-05 SightPlan Answering Service and improving your ability to listen and debunk
Emergencies misperceptions surrounding the skill. And finally, you'll
begin to explore the skills to hone your listening,
including how to give yourself a pop-quiz at the end of
*Recommended a conversation.
Duration: 4 minutes
This training covers answering service set up and how CS-02 Trust Building Through Effective
to manage emergencies in SightPlan. Communication
ST-SP-06 SightPlan Fire Protection System
Inspection *Recommended
Duration: 25 minutes
Communication is most effective when you build and
*Recommended maintain the trust of the people you communicate
Duration: 10 minutes with. In this course, you'll explore how a clear intention
In this training you will learn how to perform the is the basis of an effective communication, and how
preventative maintenance inspection on fire understanding your audience ensures that the message
protection systems. gets delivered. You'll also learn how body language,
vocal tone, and managing emotions can influence your
communications and build trust with your audience.
Customer Service CS-03 Polishing Your Skills for Excellent
Customer Service
Duration: 24 minutes
As a customer service representative (CSR), creating a
support culture that focuses on your customers' needs
is key. In this course, you'll learn how to project an
excellent service attitude that will enhance your
interaction with your customers. You'll also explore
how to establish effective customer relationships and
involve customers in problem solving. In addition, you'll
Customer service basics and techniques.
discover methods to communicate effectively in a
Learn ways to connect and keep your cross-cultural customer support center or help desk.
residents and customers engaged.
CS-04 Dealing with Customer Service
CS-01 Be a Better Listener Incidents and Complaints
*Recommended *Recommended
Duration: 28 minutes Duration: 30 minutes
How well do you listen? Listening is rarely a hot topic in Failing to realize the importance of customer service
workplace training, yet the most successful people are and effective complaints handling leads to increasingly
almost always trained, excellent listeners. They have dissatisfied customers. Organizations need to be able
mastered a number of discrete skills and are capable of to address the needs of customers in an effective and
deploying this skillset creatively and adaptively to efficient manner. This course is intended to show the
unique situations to ensure workplace excellence. In proper procedures and processes needed to provide
this course, you'll review the core of that skillset. You'll effective customer service: how to properly support a
come to understand why you should focus on customer, how to provide accurate documentation for
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