P. 162

well as those who are rejoicing or rejoicing, as explained in

               the following customary proverb:
                                 How far is the cinto-macinto,

                                 bitch bitch,

                                 sick basilau, dead bastard,
                                 alek bapanggia, died bajirambok,

                                 good advice,
                                 bad boy. 106

                     The above proverb means that if someone is sick to be
               seen, the dead are visited, those who are grieving are visited,

               while those who are rejoicing are attended. The point is that

               adat supports friendship among the community. Besides that,
               there are also ways how to relate to other people as described

               in the following customary proverb:
                                 Nan tuo is respected,

                                 nan mudo loved,
                                 samo gadang baok bakawan,

                                 mother and father are too late,

                  106 Idrus Hakimy, Mustika Series, p. 164, which means: If you are far
           away, you are in love, if you are near, you need to see pain, death is always
           visiting, parties are calling, death is gathered together, the good are
           encouraged, the bad are scattered.
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