Page 34 - The Informed Fed--Hearn (edited 10.29.20)
P. 34
Depression. This is the kind of advancement that rebounds from
economic hardship. The fact is the Great Depression produced a
number of successful landmarks that are still with us today. I am sure
you are familiar with companies like Readers Digest, Time magazine, The
New Yorker, Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse, the Boeing 247 and the
Douglas DCs, Pitney Bowes, Betty Crocker, the Band Aid, Caterpillar
Tractor, A&W Root Beer, the bagel, Gerber, Mrs. Stover’s, Pan
American, Roto-Rooter, State Farm, Kleenex, Avon, Blue Cross, Clairol,
Revlon, Hostess, Wonder Bread, Dolly Madison, White Castle, Hewlett-
Packard, Kellogg’s, Post, Proctor & Gamble and Chevrolet.
Communication grew rapidly through advancements in radio and print,
the FDIC and SEC were formed. This is just a few of the many good
things that came out of the Great Depression.
You can see that those who embrace change as opportunity and
realize progress can come out of hard times victorious. So, keep it all in
perspective, in most cases it is a state of mind. We will always have
opportunity mixed with adversity and adversity mixed with opportunity.
How true that statement is! So, start looking for the positives instead of
worrying about the negative.
Stay away from envy and complaining; crunch the numbers and
make some changes. Get motivated to make a difference in yours and
your family’s lives. Earl Nightingale once said, “If the grass is greener on
the other side, it’s probably getting better care.” A path to success in your
career and retirement is not all about your benefits package, FEGLI
selections, bank accounts or your TSP management, but it can be about
your attitude.
Philosophy #3: Establish Your Long-Term Game Plan for Long-
Term Success
When we have opportunity to consult with a young start-up
employee, presenting a long-term financial plan is usually difficult for