Page 196 - Mathematics Coursebook
P. 196


               12-hour clock  a system of measuring time          certain  an event that will happen is certain  153
               in terms of a repeating period of 12 hours   144   chance  describes something that may or
               24-hour clock  a system of measuring time          may not happen                               153
               in terms of a repeating period of 24 hours   144   class  a group of numbers or measurements   105

               2D shape  !at shape, having length and             class interval  the width of a group or
               width but no depth                            87   interval in a grouped frequency table         68
               3D shape  shape having three dimensions       87   clockwise  turning in the same direction
               acute angle  an angle less than 90 degrees    54   as the hands of a clock                      164
               angle  a measure of turn, measured in              collecting like terms  gathering, by addition
               degrees                                       54   and subtraction, all like terms               98
               anticlockwise  turning in the opposite             common factor  a number that is a factor
               direction from the hands of a clock          164   of two di#erent numbers; 3 is a common

               approximate  round a number to a suitable          factor of 15 and 24                           12
               degree of accuracy                            37   common factor  a number that divides into
               area  the amount of surface covered                other numbers without remainder               73
               by a !at shape                               170   common multiple  a number that is

               ASA  used in constructions, an                     a multiple of two di#erent numbers;
               abbreviation of Angle Side Angle or                24 is a common multiple of 2 and 3            11
               the size of two angles and the length of           compound shape  (or composite shape),
               the side between them, minimum                     a shape made up from simpler shapes          173
               information to construct a triangle          122   cone  a solid which tapers from a circular
               average  a representative value;                   base to a point                               87
               mode, median and mean are examples           105   congruent  identical in shape and size       161
               axis  one of two number lines drawn                consecutive terms  terms next to
               in a coordinate grid                         129   one another in a sequence                     20
               bar chart  a diagram where values are              conversion factor  a multiplier for
               represented by the length of bars            181   converting from one unit to another          170

               bar-line graph  a diagram where values             coordinate  two numbers use to
               are represented by the length of thick lines   181  identify a point, written in brackets as,

               brackets  used to enclose items that are           for example, (4, 6)                          129
               to be seen as a single expression.           100   coordinate grid  two axes used to plot

               cancel  "nd an equivalent fraction by              points, using coordinates                    129
               dividing both numerator and denominator            cube  a regular solid with six square faces   87
               by a common factor (see ‘simplify’)           73   cubic centimetre (cm )   unit of volume;
               capacity  the volume of liquid that can            volume of a cube of side 1 centimetre        175
               be put into a container                       47   cubic metre (m )   unit of volume; volume
               centimetre (cm)  one hundredth of a metre  47      of a cube of side 1 metre                    175
               centre of rotation  the point about which          cubic millimetre (mm )   unit of volume;
               a shape is rotated                           164   volume of a cube of side 1 millimetre        175

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