Page 198 - Mathematics Coursebook
P. 198


               function machine  a method of showing a            length  measurement of a line,
               function                                      24   usually in metres                             47

               gram (g)  one thousandth of a kilogram        47   like terms  terms containing
               graph  a line drawn on a coordinate grid     129   the same letter(s)                            98
               grouped frequency table  a table that lists,       likely  more than an even chance             153
               in groups, the number or frequency of items        line of symmetry  a line dividing a
               of each category in a set of data             68   shape into two parts, each part being

               highest common factor  the largest                 a mirror image of the other               89, 162
               number that is a factor of two or more             line segment  a part of a straight line
               other numbers                            73, 137   between two points                            54
               image  a shape a%er a transformation         161   litre (l)  standard unit of capacity          47
               improper fraction  fraction in which the           lowest common multiple  the smallest
               numerator is larger than the denominator      80   possible common multiple of two
               included angle  the angle between two              numbers; 24 is the lowest common
               given sides                                  122   multiple of 6 and 8                           11
               included side  the side between two given          lowest terms   a fraction is reduced to its
               angles                                       122   lowest terms by dividing both numerator
               in!nite sequence  a sequence that                  and denominator by their highest common       73
                                                                  factor; it cannot be simpli"ed further
               has no end                                    22
               information  facts, o%en produced from             map  be converted, by means of a function,
               collected data                                63   from a value in one set of numbers into a     24
                                                                  value in another set of numbers
               input  a number to be acted upon by                mapping diagram  a diagrammatical
               a function                                    24   representation of a function                  24
               integer  the whole numbers                         mass  the amount of substance in an object;
               …, −3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, …..                 7   sometimes the word weight ’ is used in everyday
               internal angle  any angle inside                   speech                                        47
               a !at shape                                  124   mean  To "nd the mean of a set of

               inverse  the operation that has the opposite       numbers, add them and divide by how
               e#ect; the inverse of ‘add 5’ is ‘subtract 5’   16  many there are                              107

               inverse operation  the operation that              median  'e middle number when a
               reverses the e#ect of another            42, 101   set of numbers is put in order               105

               isosceles triangle  triangle in which two          metre (m)  unit of length; standard unit
               sides are equal in length and the angles           of length                                     47
               opposite equal sides are also equal       60, 87   metric units  measurements based on
               key  (pictogram), the value of one picture         multiples and divisions of ten; the most
               or symbol                                    181   common units of measurement                   47
               kilogram (kg)  standard unit of mass          47   mid-point  the centre point of a
               kilometre (km)  one thousand metres           47   line segment                                 129
               kite  quadrilateral in which two pairs of          millilitre (ml)  one thousandth of a litre    47
               adjacent sides are equal, the opposite angles      millimetre (mm)  one thousandth of a metre  47
               between the sides of di#erent lengths
               are equal                                     87   mirror line  a line dividing a diagram into two
                                                                  parts, each being a mirror image of the other  162

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