Page 199 - Mathematics Coursebook
P. 199


               mixed number  a number expressed as                percentage  a fraction written out of 100,
               the sum of a whole number and a proper             as ‘per cent’; a quarter is 25%              113
               fraction                                      80   perimeter  the length of the boundary of
               modal  relating to the mode. For example,          a !at shape (perimeter of a circle is called a
               the modal age.                               105   circumference)                               171
               modal class  the class with the highest            perpendicular  lines meeting or crossing at
               frequency                                    105   right angles                              60, 121
               mode  'e most common number in a set  105          pictogram  simple graph made up of
               multiple  the result of multiplying a              pictures or symbols to represent information  181
               number by a positive integer; the "rst few         pie chart  a circle split into sectors, each
               multiples of 3 are 3, 6, 9, 12, … , …         11   sector represents its share of the whole     185
               mutually exclusive  two outcomes are               place value  the value of the digit in a
               mutually exclusive if they cannot both             number based on its position in relation to the
               happen at the same time                      156   decimal point                                 32

               negative number  the numbers less                  plane shape  a (2D) !at shape                161
               than zero, written with a minus sign,              positive number  numbers greater than zero,
               such as −3 or −7.5                             8   may be written without a plus or a minus sign;
               net  a !at diagram that can be                     6.5 is a positive number and −6.5 is a negative
               folded to form the faces of a solid          177   number                                         8
               numerator  the number above the                    primary data  data collected by the
               line in a fraction                            73   individual using the data                     64
               object  a shape before a transformation      161   prime number  a number with exactly two
               obtuse angle  an angle between                     factors, 1 and itself; 7, 13 and 41 are primes   14
               90 and 180 degrees                            54   probability  a number between 0 and 1
               order  (of rotational symmetry)                    used to measure the chance that
               the number of times a shape looks the              something will happen                        153
               same in one full turn                         91   probability scale  a number line to show
               origin  the point on a coordinate grid             probabilities                                153
               where the value of both variables is zero; it is   product  the result of multiplying two
               usually where the axes cross                 129   numbers; the product of 9 and 7 is 63         14

               outcome  a possible result of an event;            proper fraction  fraction in which the
               throwing a dice is an event, scoring a six is      numerator is smaller than the denominator     80
               an outcome                                   154   protractor  a device for measuring
               output  the result a%er a number has been          angles                                    56, 122
               acted upon by a function                      24   quadrilateral  a !at shape with four straight
               parallel  straight lines where the shortest        sides                                         58
               (perpendicular) distance between is always the     quantity  an amount                          115
               same; straight railway lines are parallel 60, 87, 121  questionnaire  a set of written questions
               parallelogram  quadrilateral with                  with a choice of answers                      66
               two pairs of equal and parallel sides,             random  describes a situation where outcomes
               opposite angles equal, but not 90°            87   can vary and are o%en equally likely         154
               per cent  out of 100; the symbol for               range  the di#erence between the largest
               this is %                                    113
                                                                  and smallest number in a set                 105

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