Page 197 - Mathematics Coursebook
P. 197
cuboid a solid with six rectangular faces 87 equation a way of labelling a line
cylinder a solid whose two ends, on a grid 131
and its cross-sections, are identical and equilateral having all sides the same length 54
parallel circles 87 equilateral triangle triangle in which all
data facts, numbers or measurements sides are equal and all angles are 60° 87
collected about someone or something, used equivalent fractions Fractions that represent
for reference or analysis and to produce useful the same amount, for example, and 73
information 63 estimate approximation of a number or
data-collection sheet a table used for data amount, based on a calculation with
collection, involving tallying 68 rounded numbers 42, 49, 158
decimal number a number in the counting even chance an equal chance of happening
system based on 10; the part before the or not happening; an example is getting a
decimal point is a whole number, the part head when you throw a coin 153
a%er the decimal point is a decimal fraction 32 event an action that can have di#erent
decimal places the number of digits a%er outcomes; throwing a dice is an event,
the decimal point 32 scoring a six is an outcome 156
decimal point the dot between the whole- expand (brackets), to multiply all parts
number part and the decimal fraction of any of the expression inside the brackets by the
number in the decimal system 32 term alongside the bracket 100
degree unit of measure of angles; a whole experimental probability a probability
turn is 360 degrees (360°) 53 estimated from data 158
denominator the number below the expression a collection of symbols
line in a fraction 73 representing numbers and mathematical
derive construct a formula or work out an operations, but not including
answer 28 an equals sign (=) 26, 97
direct proportion the ratio of quantities face !at side of a solid 87
stays the same 140 factor a factor of a whole number will
divide split up into parts 138 divide into it without a remainder; 6 and
dividend a number that is being divided 83 8 are factors of 24 12
divisible one whole number is divisible !nite sequence a sequence that has an end 20
by another if it is a multiple of it 12 formula an equation that shows the
division (of a scale) the value between relationship between two or more quantities 28
successive marks on a scale 50 formulae plural of formula 28
divisor the number by which another fraction a part of a whole, such as or 113
number is divided 83 frequency how many times a number
edge the line where two faces of a occurs in a set 105
solid meet 87 frequency diagram any diagram that shows
equal being the same 87 frequencies 181
equally likely a set of outcomes with the same frequency table a table that lists the
chance of happening 154 number or frequency of items of each
equation two di#erent mathematical category in a set of data 68
expressions, both having the same value, function a relationship between two sets
separated by an equals sign (=) 26, 97 of numbers 24