Page 201 - Mathematics Coursebook
P. 201


               square millimetre (mm )   unit of area;            translate  transform a shape, resulting in
               area of a square of side 1 millimetre        170   each part of the shape being moved the same
               square number  the result of multiplying a         distance in the same direction               161
               whole number by itself; 81 is a square number      translation  see translate                   161
               equal to 9 × 9 (81 = 9 )                      16   transversal  a line that crosses two or more
               square root  the square root of a number,          parallel lines                                60
               multiplied by itself, gives that number; the       trapezium  quadrilateral with one pair of
               square root of 36 is 6 ( 36  = 6)             16   sides parallel                                87
               square-based pyramid  a solid with a               triangular prism  a solid whose two ends,
               square base and four triangular faces         87   and its cross-sections, are identical and
               statistic  a value calculated from a               parallel triangles                            87
               set of data                                  105   triangular-based pyramid  a solid with
               straight line  a line that is not curved     120   four triangular faces                         87
               substitute  replace part of an expression,         unitary method  solving direct proportion
               usually a letter, by another value, usually        problems by "rst calculating the value of a
               a number                                      28   single item                                  140

               surface area  the area of the faces of a           unknown  a letter (or letters) in an
               solid or 3D shape                            177   equation, for which the value (or values)
               symmetrical  has at least one line of              is yet to be found                            26
               symmetry, or rotational symmetry of order          unlikely  less than an even chance           153
               two or more                                   89   variable  a symbol, usually a letter,
               term  an individual number in a sequence      20   that can represent any one of a set of values   26
               term-to-term rule  a rule to "nd a term            vertex  a point where edges of a 2D or
               of a sequence, given the previous term        20   3D shape meet                                 87
               terminating  ending; a terminating                 vertically opposite angle  two of the four angles
               decimal has a "nite number of decimal              formed when two lines cross; they do not
               places, it does not go on for ever            75   have a common side                            60
               theoretical probability  a probability             vertices  plural of vertex                    87
               found using equally likely outcomes          158   very likely  a high change of happening      153
               time  a way of putting events in order or          very unlikely  a small chance of happening  153
               measuring their duration                     144   volume  the space occupied by a solid or
               tonne (t)  one thousand kilograms             47   3D shape                                     175
               top-heavy fraction  common term for an             whole number  the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, … , …  7
               improper fraction                             80   x-axis  the horizontal axis on a grid        129
               transformation  movement of a shape by             y-axis  the vertical axis on a grid          129
               re!ection, rotation or translation           161

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