Page 12 - Newsletter 2023 ENGLISH & ARABIC
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                                                      Dasma Trip

           The Dasma Experience

            In February, all the EPG branches left the class-
            rooms to go on a  eld trip to the EPG Dasma
            Centre. This centre is a perfect example of a
            reimagined learning environment.

            Our  students  were actively engaged in their
            learning  by  exploring,  experiencing,  and
            experimenting. This centre provides an open
            learning environment and is divided into sever-
            al spaces of learning where students can truly
            choose what, where, and how they want to learn
            and play. The whole centre is divided into
            smaller spaces with different activities. There
            are more than 17 spaces  for learning, each
            with its own special name and  its own little
            water park where children can explore with
            water. The children truly had a magni cent

                                           Monique Human

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