Page 8 - Newsletter 2023 ENGLISH & ARABIC
P. 8
OUP Graduation
OUP Graduation
Every year, EPG ensures that the staff partake in
CPD (Continuous Professional Development)
Winter Camp
courses and last year, teachers had the opportunity
to complete the Teaching English to Young-Learners’
course through Oxford University Press in the
United Kingdom.
Teachers had to read the course material,
complete a questionnaire, and submit an
assignment for each topic. Seven topics, which
are relevant to them, the Early Years teachers,
were discussed in detail. This acquired knowledge
enhanced their daily classroom practise.
The course covered topics such as How Children
Learn, Classroom Management, Listening and
Speaking Skills, Literacy, Grammar and
Vocabulary. One of the favourite topics was
21st Century Skills: Learning to Learn. They
learnt about the skills students will need in the
future, as primary school students, high school
students, and even adults. The foundation for
these skills is set by their Early Years teachers,
who incorporate these skills into holistic teaching
with their well-prepared lesson plans.
It was a great course to take and to learn new Arwa Kharnoub
and exciting ways to teach as well, to add to
our teachers’ already fun- lled classes at EPG.
Early Years’ teachers always strive to give our
students the best opportunities for learning, that
they can have.
Annelize Sherman