Page 83 - Speaking_Expert_Business_Economy
P. 83

1 7  Demarketing  용합니다. 대중의 수요를 통제하는 여러 가지 디마케팅에 대해 알아봅시다.

 UNIT       Point    새로운 마케팅 방법인 ‘디마케팅’은 정부 차원에서 자원의 소비를 제한하도
               록 하는 경우나 기업에서 특정 고객을 대상으로 특화된 서비스를 제공하는 경우에 이

 뉴 마케팅 트렌드, 디마케팅

           Part 1                               General Discussion
                                                Part 2
 Read & Discuss  Topic Discussion               Fads and Trends

 Marketing can be defined as the act of creating, maintaining and
 expanding a demand for a specific product or service. Certain scenarios   1.     What is marketing and demarketing?  1.     Are you always aware of the latest
 exist, however, in which organizations seek to discourage this same demand. In   trends? What fad influences your life
 these cases, a process known as “demarketing” is employed.  the most?
 Generally speaking, demarketing can be broken down into three categories, the first
 of which is known as general demarketing. This occurs when a product is demarketed
 to all users, such as in times of shortage when governments seek to persuade
 citizens to limit their consumption of a resource like gasoline or electricity. It is also   2.   Who is selective demarketing aimed   2.   Some women, especially young

 implemented when a product is deemed to be a risk to public health.   at? Give an example of selective   women, are obsessed with brand-name
 Selective demarketing, on the other hand, is aimed at a specific segment of the   demarketing.  products. What do you think about this?
 population. Businesses will generally use selective demarketing on a group of
 customers that has proven to be less profitable. These fringe users are discouraged,
 and marketing resources are focused on a more profitable core. Some banks, for
 example, offer specialized services for customers with large balances, while low profit
 customers must queue up for a turn at the ATM.
 The third category, ostensible demarketing, is exemplified by situations in which a

 business withholds the availability of a product in order to heighten its appeal. Often   3.   Why do companies use ostensible   3.   Who do you think are the trendsetters
 applied to high-end toys during the Christmas season, the difficulties consumers face   demarketing?  when it comes to fashion or hair style?
 in purchasing the item increase its value in their eyes. In this type of demarketing,
 demand is actually raised, rather than lowered.
 Some companies that are seeking to create an upscale image demarket their products
 by limiting the scope of their advertising. A jewelry company might advertise only
 in a handful of magazines, giving their products the illusion of exclusivity. Similarly,   4.   What effects can companies have by   4.   Are you an early adopter? What do you

 other companies demarket by limiting the scope of their distribution, such as a liquor   limiting the scope of their advertising?   think of early adopters? What are the
 manufacturer that only sells their whiskey in expensive bars. Another approach is
 the use of warning labels outlining health risks associated with a product. Tobacco   Explain this idea using some examples.  positive or negative qualities of this type
 companies use such labels to educate current users while making themselves seem   of person?
 more compassionate. Through these methods, companies can create a luxurious
 brand image or improve their corporate image.
 To look at demarketing as nothing more than the opposite of marketing would be a
 gross oversimplification. It is a nuanced business strategy that can be employed in a
 variety of situations to help control the tides of public demand.

 78  Speaking EX                                                  Business & Economy  79

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