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1 8                     Martha Stewart?                                                  구했지만, 주식 불법 거래 혐의로 유죄 판결을 받아 징역을 선고 받기까지 했지요. 그

           UNIT                    Who Is                                                        Point    ‘살림의 여왕’ 마사 스튜어트. 지금은 초거대 기업의 대표인 그녀도 어려운 시
                                                                                                    절을 보냈다고 해요. 그러다가 결혼 후에 연 식품점이 성공을 거두면서 한동안 승승장
                                                                                                    래도 더 인기가 많아졌다니, 전화위복이랄까요?

                                   마사 스튜어트, 그녀가 돌아왔다
                                                                                                 Part 1                               Part 2
                                                                                                 Topic Discussion                    General Discussion
                                                                                                                                     People You Admire

                                                                                               1.     Who is Martha Stewart? What is she   1.     Can you admire someone like Martha
                                                                                                 famous for?                          Stewart who is a famous business
                                                                                                                                      person but who has also been to jail for
                                                                                                                                      illegal trading in the stock market?

         Read & Discuss                                                                        2.   How was her youth and how did she   2.   In the U.S., people like Paris Hilton, who
                                                                                                                                      are the heirs to large fortunes, often
                                                                                                 rise to fame?
                                                                                                                                      become the target of the paparazzi.
                    Martha Stewart is a household name in the United States, thanks to
             her many books, magazines and multimedia offerings — all of which tell the                                               Their lifestyles are often coveted by
                                                                                                                                      teenagers. What do you think about
       American public how to eat, dress, marry, garden and entertain in greater style. For                                           this? Do they deserve this kind of
       millions of U.S. consumers, she is the queen of lifestyle advice.                                                              admiration?
       Born in August 1941 in New Jersey as Martha Kostyra, she grew up in a poor
       household. As a teenager, she loved making her own dresses, inventing new recipes,

                                                                                               3.   What were the incidents that shook   3.   What sort of qualities do you admire in
       and doing gardening. She married Andy Stewart in 1961, and they bought an old
                                                                                                 Stewart’s career?                    a person?
       house in Connecticut, which she renovated (새롭게 개조하다)  herself. When she opened a
       gourmet food shop, it was an instant success. A catering business (출장 요리업)  for big
       companies followed. Entertaining, her own guidebook to being the perfect host,
       made her nationally famous.

       All was well in Martha Stewart’s perfect world. But she made many enemies and was       4.   Do you know any Korean women    4.   Can you admire criminals who
                                                                                                 whose life and career can be compared   committed brutal crimes but who
       accused of taking credit for the work of others. Then, in 2004, she was found guilty
                                                                                                 to Stewart’s? In what ways are they   donate their body parts before they die?
       of illegal trading in the stock market and was sentenced to 5 months in prison. Today,
       Martha Stewart is a free woman once again. Her business empire remains strong and
       reaches well beyond the United States, with operations in Canada, Brazil and Japan.
       She hopes to make inroads into Korea and China as well.

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