Page 106 - Buyer_Reception
P. 106
A. Complete the sentences using the given expressions or words.
1. Kim Well, 오늘 회의에서는 계약을 마무리 지을 수 있길 바랍니다. (finalize our
contract terms)
Brown I certainly do, too.
2. Kim I've brought the original contract and a revised version, with
the proposed changes written into it. 보시면서, 내용이 맞는지 확인하
도록 하죠. (make sure they're correct)
Brown All right, let's get started.
3. Kim The shipping date will be June 20th, a week earlier than it was
stated in the previous contract, right?
Brown Yes, that's right.
Kim So, with those three issues resolved, 모든 계약 사항에 동의한 것이지
요? (agree on, contract term)
4. Brown Oh, I see. When do you think we should expect the NANO
representative to visit?
Kim Well, we don't have a concrete date yet. 일정을 잡는 대로 바로 알려
드리도록 하겠습니다. (set a schedule)
5. Brown Then, we'll see to it that everything is done to make the visit as
comfortable as possible.
Kim Thank you, that's very thoughtful of you. Well, I think we've
settled everything. 그럼 변 경된 계약서에 서명할 준비를 하죠. (sign the
revised contract)
Brown Absolutely. And I have to say I'm very pleased with the results
of these meetings.
B. You're about to sign the contract with your business partner. Have a
conversation with him using the given expressions.
● In today's meeting, I hope we can ...
● Let's go over those and make sure they're correct.
● We're agreed on all the contract terms?
● We'll contact you as soon as ...
● Why don't we prepare to sign the revised contract?
You Well, in today's meeting, we're ...
Business Partner ...
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