Page 88 - Buyer_Reception
P. 88


                 A. Complete the sentences using the given expressions or words.

                 1. Kim        All right, 지금까지 계약 목적에 대해 논의했습니다. (cover, the basic
                           contract goals) Now, I'd like us to go over specific conditions.
                           So, what does Tycon think about the terms of the contract?
                   Brown   We're satisfied with them overall.
                 2. Brown   We wonder if there's room for negotiating on pricing.
                   Kim     좀 더 구체적으로 말씀해 주시죠? (more specific)
                   Brown   Well, just if it's possible to set the wholesale price lower.
                 3. Brown     If you will consider lowering the price just a bit, then we believe
                           that the more competitive retail price we can set will guarantee
                           your market success.
                   Kim     I see. 지금은 뭐라고 말씀 드리긴 곤란하군요. (a definite answer)
                 4. Brown   Could you possibly arrange to move the shipping date up?
                   Kim     물류 담당자와 상의해 가능한지 알아보도록 하겠습니다. (shipping director)

                 B.  You're at a meeting with the merchandiser from the U.S. You're
                   talking about the contract conditions and the shipping dates. Have a
                   conversation with the merchandiser using the given expressions.

                     ● 	We've covered the basic contract goals at this point.
                     ● 	Could you please be more specific?
                     ● 	I'm sorry to say I can't give you a definite answer now.
                     ● 	I'll discuss that with the ... director and see if it's possible.

                   1.  Talk about the contract condition
                   2. Talk about the shipping dates

                   You          All right, ...
                   Merchandiser  ...
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