Page 211 - G6.1_M1-5
P. 211

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                Respond                                                                                                  3D Printing:      myNotes
                 to the                                                                                                      Imagination
                                                                                                                             in Technology
                             Collaborative Discussion

                             Look back at what you wrote on page 196. Tell a partner two things you
                             learned from this text. Then work with a group to discuss the questions
                             below. Refer to details and examples in 3D Printing: Imagination in                      6re_se_m3_imagination.indd   197  6/23/2018   1:44:18 AM

                             Technology to explain your answers. Take notes for your responses.
                             When you speak, use your notes.

                               1  Review page 199. The press conference was crowded when Dr.

                                  Kang presented the results of his research on the monkeys. Why
                                  were so many people interested in his work? Use text evidence in
                                  your response.
                                                                                                                Listening Tip

                                                                                                                Listen closely when

                                                                                                                the speaker is talking.
                                                                                                                Notice the information
                                                                                                                and details the
                                                                                                                speaker shares.
                               2  Look at the infographic on page 203. Why do you think this is
                                  included in the article?

                                                                                                                Speaking Tip

                                                                                                                When you share your
                                                                                                                ideas, make sure to
                                                                                                                speak clearly and at a

                               3  What are the downsides to 3D printer technology? Use examples                 pace that isn’t too
                                  from the text.                                                                fast or slow.

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