Page 206 - G6.1_M1-5
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Manufacturing Vehicles
with 3D Printing
23 In 1913, inventor Henry Ford installed a moving assembly line
in his car factory. On the assembly line, each worker was
The wheels of a
3D-printed car: responsible for making one unique part of each car. As the car
the Strati frame moved down the line, workers added their pieces until
the car was complete. This assembly-line method is still the way
most cars are made today. Some car makers are trying to
revolutionize car production with 3D printing.
A 3D-Printed Car
24 Local Motors, a company based in Phoenix, Arizona, designs
and builds drones, vans, and 3D-printed cars. The Strati is the
world’s first 3D-printed vehicle, a small electric car built for a
driver and one passenger.
25 The Strati is made entirely out of plastic. Besides being a
relatively cheap material, plastic can be designed to be both
strong and lightweight. It took about 40 hours to print the Strati,
and materials for the entire vehicle cost a fraction of the cost of
most traditionally produced cars.
A 3D-printed car, the
Strati, on display at
the North American
International Auto Show
in Detroit, Michigan