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3D Printing’s Ethical Issues
32 3D printing has so many exciting applications in all aspects of our
lives, but there are a few drawbacks.
33 Energy. While the print-on-demand technology of 3D
printers can be cheaper and more accessible, traditional
manufacturing has the benefit of mass-production, which uses
less energy per item.
34 Copyright protection. If a new toy cost $200, but you could
design a knockoff on a home computer and print it yourself,
would you? The way 3D printing could change manufacturing is
similar to how music sharing on the Internet has changed the
music industry. Piracy—using intellectual property without
permission or payment—is a problem.
35 Safety. Who is responsible when
someone is injured by a 3D-
printed toy? Companies that sell
toys are responsible for the safety
of their products. But if you
make the product yourself, you
might be liable for any injuries
that are caused by it.
A 3D printing executive shows off a
soft tissue prosthetic that someone
with skin damage might use.
liable If you are liable for something,
you are responsible or accountable for it.