Page 34 - News_Speech-World
P. 34

ModeL aNswer   자신의 답이 맞는지 확인해 보세요.

        Short        Q     What is the article mainly about?
        TALK         A     The article is mainly about Germany closing its domestic

                           nuclear power plants.
                     Q     According to the article, what are Germany’s alternative
                           energy sources?
                     A     Germany is planning to gradually replace nuclear power
                           with solar, wind, and hydroelectric power.

                     Q     How did other European countries react to Germany’s
                     A     Other European countries are concerned that its action to
                           stop using nuclear energy will cause the electricity price to
                           go up sharply.

        Long         도입  Personally, I am not completely against the current use of
        TALK               nuclear power. But eventually nuclear power should be

                           replaced with other power sources.
                     근거1  Most importantly, nuclear power plants can be very
                           dangerous, as we saw what happened in Japan and
                           Chernobyl. The damage from possible accidents is
                           enormous and can last for a long time.
                     근거2  On top of that, nuclear energy’s cost-effectiveness, which is
                           considered its biggest strength, is being questioned. That’s
                           because nuclear power reactors are very expensive to build.
                     마무리 Therefore, I strongly believe that nuclear power is not the
                           best choice as an energy source.

                           개인적으로 현재의 원자력 사용에 전적으로 반대하지는 않습니다. 하지만 결국
                           원자력은 다른 전력으로 대체되어야 한다고 생각해요.
                           무엇보다도, 원자력 발전소는 우리가 일본과 체르노빌에서 발생한 일에서
                           보았듯이, 굉장히 위험할 수 있어요. 일어날지도 모르는 사고의 피해가
                           엄청나고 피해가 오래 지속될 수 있습니다.
                           또한 원자력 에너지의 가장 큰 장점으로 꼽히는 비용 대비 효율성도 의문시되고
                           있는데요. 원자로를 건설하는 데는 돈이 정말 많이 들기 때문이죠.
                           따라서 원자력은 에너지 자원으로 최선책은 아니라고 확신합니다.

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