Page 38 - News_Speech-World
P. 38
ModeL aNswer 자신의 답이 맞는지 확인해 보세요.
Short Q What is the article mainly about?
TALK A The article is mainly about adoptees looking for their
biological family through Facebook.
Q What made it difficult for adopted children to meet their
birth parents in the past?
A In the past, it took long to find their birth parents and
adopters controlled the reunion with birth parents.
Q What is a new way for adoptees to meet their birth parents?
A Now adoptees are searching for their real parents by
themselves, using the Internet.
Long 도입 There can be a few measures to increase domestic adoption.
방안1 First, we need to conduct a campaign to change people’s
attitude toward adoption. Publicizing good examples of
celebrities having a happy life with adopted children will be
an effective way of promoting domestic adoption.
방안2 Second, the government should lower the bar for single
parent adoptions. I know that it would be difficult for a
single person to raise a child. But as more people stay single
today, it’s fair to give single parents the equal right to adopt.
마무리 In conclusion, children are the most valuable asset for the
future. We need to take a long-term view of them.
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