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TOPIC 08  페이스북으로 친부모 찾는 입양아들
        facebook helps adopted kids

        find birth Parents

        소셜 네트워크 서비스(SNS)의 선두주자인 페이스북이 입양아들의 소망을 이뤄주고 있다는데요. 페이스북을
        통해 친부모를 찾고 있는 입양아들에 관한 뉴스를 잘 들어 보세요.

        Pre-study               Facebook is a popular social networking site that
                             connects people from all over the world. People use
        뉴스 내용을 잘 듣고,
        따라 읽어 보세요.           the site to look for long-lost friends and family. Now,
                             Facebook is becoming a popular way for adoptees to be
        뉴스 듣기
                             reunited with their biological family.
                                It used to take a long time to reunite adoptees and
                             birth families. Furthermore, adoptive parents were in
                             control of the process. Today, however, things work
                             differently. “Kids can use the Internet to find their birth
                             parents,” one expert said.

       •connect 연결시키다
         오래 전에 연락이 끊긴
       •adoptee 입양아
         (↔ adopter 양부모)
       •be reunited with
         ~와 재회하다
         (reunite 재회시키다)
       •biological family
         생물학적 가족
         (= birth family)
       •adoptive parents 양부모
         (↔ birth parents 친부모)
       •be in control of
         ~을 통제하다
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