Page 7 - Newsletter Q1 Fall 2022
P. 7

Carpentry Students Add Finishing Touches to House Exterior
           Carpentry II recently finished the

           house shell that they have
           worked on since last year. It is a
           1300 square feet 3 bedroom, 2
           bath open floor plan with a vault-
           ed ceiling in the living/kitchen
           area. Students built the house
           from the ground up including the
           floor system, exterior and interior
           walls, trusses, drywall, roofing system, and standard vinyl siding accented with vinyl shake siding. The
           house will next be wired by the electricity students and will be ready for purchase once that is com-

         Culinary Students Experience Post Secondary Opportunities

          DMTC culinary arts classes explored post secondary studies in and outside of the classroom. On Sep-
          tember 14, Chef Page’s second level culinary arts students traveled to the Culinary Institute of the Car-
          olinas in Greenville and spent the day as college students learning from the experienced instruc-
          tors. Students got to participate in hands on activities and experience what it would be like to continue
          their education in this field at the next level. On October 7, the Culinary Institute of the Carolinas sent
          its own Chef Patrick Wagner to spend an afternoon at DMTC with first level culinary arts students in-
          structing them in preparing international dishes with Asian and Greek flavor profiles. After they were
          finished, students got to enjoy what they prepared.
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