Page 35 - EW April 2023
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           1   St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai    1   Maharaja’s College, Ernakulam, Kochi    1   St. Stephen’s College, Delhi
           2   St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous),      2   Government Degree College for Women,      2   Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi
              Bengaluru                        Begumpet, Hyderabad           3   Lady Shri Ram College for Women, Delhi
           3   Mount Carmel College, Bengaluru     3   Presidency College, Chennai    4   Hindu College, Delhi
           3   Mithibai College, Mumbai     4   Government Science College,      5   Miranda House, Delhi
           4   Narsee Monjee College of Commerce &        Nrupathunga Road, Bengaluru    6   Hansraj College, Delhi
              Economics, Mumbai             5   Yuvaraja’s College, Mysuru    6   Kirori Mal College, Delhi
           4   St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata     6   Maharani’s Science College for Women,     7   Sri Venkateswara College, Delhi
           5   Loyola College, Chennai         Mysuru                        8   Jesus & Mary College, Delhi
           6   RA Podar College of Commerce &      7   Sarojini Naidu Government Girls      9   KPB Hinduja College of Commerce,
              Economics, Mumbai                PG College, Bhopal              Mumbai
           6   KJ Somaiya College of Arts and      8   Government Holkar (Model Autonomous)
              Commerce, Mumbai                 Science College, Indore       10   University College of Arts & Social
                                                                               Sciences, Osmania University

           7   Madras Christian College, Chennai    9   Government VYT PG Autonomous      10   Barrackpore Rastraguru Surendranath
           8   St. Joseph’s College, Trichy        College, Durg                College, Kolkata
           8   Stella Maris College, Chennai    10   Kanchi Mamunivar Government Institute
           9   Nagindas Khandwala College, Malad (W),         for Postgraduate Studies and Research,
              Mumbai                           Lawspet, Puducherry
           9   St. Francis College for Women,                              latest NIRF rankings 2022, BITS-
              Hyderabad                                                    Pilani is ranked #32 — below Aligarh
           10   Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kochi
           10   BK Birla College of Arts, Science &    mandated by the Kasturirangan Com-  Muslim University (#19), Bharathiar
              Commerce, Kalyan, Mumbai    mittee Report on which NEP 2020 is   University, Coimbatore (24) and Savi-
           10   Dr. NGP Arts and Science College,    based, sounds like mission impos-  tribai Phule University, Pune (25), ex
              Coimbatore                  sible. Most likely, positions in these   facie a ridiculous pecking order. Yet
                                          high-sounding committees and com-  not a squeak of protest from BITS-
                                          missions will be filled by ruling party   Pilani’s top brass.
         cause it’s been known for years if not   faithfuls put out to pasture and not   In these circumstances, the most
         decades, that good NAAC grades could   immune to well-phrased inducements.   reliable HEI rankings are those com-
         be obtained for consideration. Visiting   Be that as it may, it’s highly unlike-  piled by independent private media
         NAAC assembled task forces compris-  ly that parents/school-leavers search-  publications. Leading newspapers
         ing retired vice chancellors and senior   ing for suitable colleges or universities   and magazines including India Today,
         academics — whose costs of inspec-  are substantialy influenced by NAAC   Hindustan Times, Business Today etc
         tion are paid by the assessee institu-  ratings. Even the education establish-  publish league tables rating colleges
         tion — are routinely wined, dined and   ment has scant respect for NAAC.   and universities under several param-
         more by the assessee HEIs for high   Since  it  was  established  in  1994,  a   eters and rank them inter se.
         grades. Ditto teams from AICTE and   mere 9,062 of India’s 43,796 under-  However these are news publica-
         UGC. Indeed as emphasised by your   grad colleges and 418 of the country’s   tions with peripheral interest in edu-
         editors in several critiques of the Na-  1,113 universities have signed up for   cation. Therefore, it is submitted that
         tional Education Policy (NEP) 2020   NAAC accreditation. Certainly none   the annual  EducationWorld In-
         which mandates establishment of   of the new genre private universities   dia Higher Education Rankings
         a  plethora  of  official  committees  to   (Ashoka,  Amity,  Jindal  Global  etc)   (EWIHER), first introduced in 2013,
         supervise higher education — HECI,   has bothered about acquiring NAAC   which meticulously make fine distinc-
         NAC, NHER, HEGC and GEC — while   accreditation.                  tions between HEIs to avoid apples
         at the same time mandating institu-  Nor is NIRF (National Institutional   and oranges type comparisons, are the
         tional autonomy, there is an inherent   Ranking Framework), the latest Union   best and most reliable rankings avail-
         contradiction in NEP 2020 which may   education ministry initiative to rank   able for parents and school-leaving
         prove a fatal flaw of the policy.   India’s best universities, any more   students. In this connection, it should
            With the education establish-  credible. For instance BITS-Pilani,   also be borne in mind that the annual
         ment and bureaucracy thoroughly   commonly accepted as a private en-  EW India School Rankings intro-
         compromised, finding individuals of   gineering and science university on a   duced in 2007, have acquired a gold-
         “unimpeachable integrity” to man   par with the IITs, is routinely ranked   en reputation as the largest and most
         these committees and commissions   below low-profile universities. In the   comprehensive schools ranking league

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