Page 36 - EW April 2023
P. 36

Cover Story

         tables worldwide.                                                 profile institutions ranked by less than
           To rate India’s most respected Arts,                            25 respondents were eliminated from
         Science and Commerce colleges un-                                 the rankings,” says Premchand Pal-
         der six parameters of undergraduate                               ety, an alum of Panjab Engineering
         education excellence viz, competence                              College and Fore School of Manage-
         of faculty, faculty welfare and devel-                            ment, Delhi, who worked with ORG —
         opment, curriculum and pedagogy                                   India’s pioneer retail audit company
         (including digital readiness), place-                             — for over a decade before promoting
         ment of graduates, infrastructure and                             C fore in the millennium year.
         facilities, and leadership/governance                               Against this backdrop in the pages
         quality and rate them in separate,                                following, we present league tables
         appropriate categories, we commis-                                rating and ranking India’s Top 500
         sioned the Delhi-based Centre for                                 private and government (which tend
         Forecasting & Research Pvt. Ltd                                   to be omitted from ranking league
         (C fore, estb.2000), a nationally re-                             tables of other publications) autono-
         puted field research and opinion polls                            mous and non-autonomous Arts, Sci-
         company to interview a nationally rep-  Palety: nationally representative sample  ence and Commerce colleges. League
         resentative sample of individuals with                            tables ranking the country’s most
         good knowledge of India’s higher edu-  were interviewed by our field person-  respected  universities (government
         cation sector.                   nel and asked to rate colleges they   and private) and business manage-
           “Accordingly, we constituted a   were familiar with on a 1-100 points   ment  institutions  will  be featured
         sample  respondents  database  com-  scale against six parameters of un-  next month in our May issue. Sub-
         prising 1,747 college faculty members   dergrad education. The scores they   sequently, top-ranked colleges will
         and  2,341  final  year  students  with   awarded every institute under the six   be awarded and felicitated in a gala
         good knowledge of Arts, Science and   parameters were totalled to rank col-  event scheduled to be staged in Delhi
         Commerce colleges countrywide. They   leges inter se in every category. Low-  in May.

                                    EWIHER 2023-24 COUNTRYWIDE SURVEY

                                                                                    Metro cities
                                                                                    Tier II, III & IV cities
                                                                                    (203 cities)

         36    EDUCATIONWORLD   APRIL 2023
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