Page 40 - EW April 2023
P. 40

Cover Story

         high scores under the parameters of
         competence of faculty & curriculum
         and pedagogy (including digital readi-
         ness). In addition, readiness to under-
         stand the systematic changes happen-
         ing in the collegiate education system
         across the nation and addressing the
         social  sector/industry  requirements
         while working to fulfil them are major
         factors behind the rising reputation
         of the KJ Somaiya College of Arts &
         Commerce,” says  Prof. Pillai, former
         chairman of NAAC, Vice Chairman of
         UGC and Vice Chancellor of the Ma-
         hatma Gandhi University, Kottayam
         (Kerala), who has brought 40 years of
         admin and teaching experience into
         the Somaiya Vidyavihar University
         of which KJS College is a constituent
           The college was given autonomous   Somaiya Vidyavihar’s Rajasekharan Pillai (centre right): steady progress satisfaction
         status by UGC in 2013, and for the
         past  10  years, autonomy  has  been   programmes, is positioned to emerge   gains. Among the most notable are
         very effectively utilised for bringing   as a model for the rest of the country   Kristu Jayanti College, Benga-
         innovations in collegiate education   to successfully implement NEP 2020,”   luru promoted from #23 in 2022-23
         at all levels. “Our Somaiya Vidyavi-  says Pillai.                to #11 this year; Women’s Chris-
         har University campus — the largest   Further down the EWIHER 2023-  tian College, Chennai to #12 (15
         private academic campus in Mumbai   24  league  table  of  the  228-strong   last year); Sophia College, Breach
         — which offers students easy access   league able of the country’s most ad-  Candy, Mumbai to #14 (32); St. Jo-
         to our schools of humanities, science   mired autonomous colleges, several   seph’s College, Kozhikode to #16
         and technology and several vocational   institutions have recorded significant   (19) and the S.S Jain Subodh PG
                                                                           College, Jaipur to #16 (24).
         Women’s Christian College students: notable promotion
                                                                             Moreover, it’s advisable for school-
                                                                           leavers/parents to bear in mind that
                                                                           autonomous colleges — which are al-
                                                                           ready meritorious inasmuch as they
                                                                           have been conferred autonomy by
                                                                           UGC — which are modestly ranked
                                                                           nationally may well be heavyweights
                                                                           in their home states and host cities.
                                                                             For instance,  Jagannath Ba-
                                                                           rooah College, Jorhat ranked #85
                                                                           nationally is Assam’s #1 autonomous
                                                                           ASC college. Likewise, Ewing Chris-
                                                                           tian College, Prayagraj  ranked
                                                                           #31 nationally is #1 in Uttar Pradesh
                                                                           (pop. 215 million) and Khalsa Col-
                                                                           lege, Amritsar ranked India #42 is
                                                                           #1 in Punjab (pop. 40 million). Such
                                                                           anomalies abound.
                                                                             Therefore school-leavers, espe-
                                                                           cially those who prefer not to relocate
                                                                           beyond state boundaries in these frac-
                                                                           tious times should study state and city
                                                                           rankings carefully.

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