Page 39 - EW April 2023
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grams in emerging areas such as data
science and analytics nearly a decade
ago. We offer integrated skill-based
courses across all programmes,” says
Sr. Arpana.
The new NEP 2020 is likely to give
Mt. Carmel which in its own low-pro-
file manner has given a huge boost to
the causes of gender egalitarianism
and women’s empowerment — alum-
nae include bio-tech entrepreneur Ki-
ran Mazumdar-Shaw, former foreign
secretary Nirupama Rao and Congress
leader Margaret Alva — further mo-
“Mt. Carmel has taken the lead in
implementation of NEP 2020. We of-
fer over 35 open electives which en-
able inter-disciplinary learning, and
have made artificial intelligence and
Mount Carmel College’s Sr. Arpana (centre): India’s #1 women’s ASC college personal finance and investment man-
agement mandatory skilling courses
to introduce new courses whose syl- autonomous colleges which makes it for all undergrad programmes as we
labuses and curriculums are drawn India’s #1 all-women ASC college. believe they are critical for multi-dis-
up by our own internal Board of Stud- “This promotion to the Top 3 pri- ciplinary education. Add to this our
ies. This freedom is not available to vate autonomous colleges in India is a emphasis on research, also given high
non-autonomous colleges which are wonderful gift in our Platinum Jubilee importance in NEP 2020. We already
obliged to follow the courses and syl- — 75th year. I acknowledge the strong have 11 departments which are recog-
labuses drawn up by their affiliating foundation laid by my predecessors, nised as Research Centres. Looking
universities. Thus in recent years, we the committed and dedicated staff ahead, we are determined to build on
have introduced several path-break- and vibrant student community who our rich legacy of 75 years and trans-
ing Masters programmes in landscape keep the Carmel flag flying high,” says form into a multi-disciplinary univer-
design, expressive art therapy, psy- Dr. Sr. Arpana, an alumna of Ban- sity as envisaged by NEP 2020, which
chology and data analytics for which galore and Mysore universities with offers affordable quality education in
we are free to charge market-related over 20 years of teaching and admin all streams. We are determined to play
fees, and any surpluses we may earn experience in tertiary education, who a large role in transforming India into
from these programmes can be used has helmed this all-women’s college a $30 trillion economy by 2047,” says
to improve our infrastructure and fa- since 2014. Sr. Arpana is grateful for Sr. Arpana.
cilities. Award of autonomous status the grant of autonomous status to Mt. Satisfaction about steady prog-
has been a great boon to SXM and has Carmel. ress in the annual EWIHER league
enabled us to build a reputation for “We have the academic freedom to table of India’s most respected pri-
modernisation and innovation of our frame the syllabus and customise it as vate autonomous Arts, Science and
study programmes. By introducing a per the needs of industry. Therefore, Commerce undergrad colleges is also
flexible choice-based credits system, we have transformed into a multidis- evident in the response of Prof. V.N.
NEP 2020 will further enhance the ciplinary institution offering over 83 Rajasekharan Pillai, Vice Chancel-
learning experience, not only of SXM undergrad, postgrad and Ph D pro- lor of the Somaiya Vidyavihar Univer-
students but all students in higher grammes delivered by well-qualified sity whose K.J. Somaiya College
education countrywide,” adds Shinde. and dedicated faculty. The outcome is of Arts & Commerce, Mumbai
Conferment of autonomous status that respected companies repeatedly which was ranked #19 in 2021-22 has
18 years ago has also proved a great come to our campus to recruit our steadily risen to #7 last year and #6
boon for the all-women Mount Car- graduates. I believe our curriculum in 2023-24.
mel College, Bengaluru which has is among the best in the country. We “I am glad to learn that the col-
been ranked among the Top 5 nation- have innovated in terms of integrat- lege improved its ranking from #19
wide for the past four years and has ing the latest in subject domains and in 2021-22 to #6 this year. It’s an ac-
improved its ranking to #3 among also ventured into introducing pro- curate assessment that the college has