Page 38 - EW April 2023
P. 38

Cover Story

         INDIA’S TOP-RANKED PRIVATE                                        tween private autonomous and non-

                                                                           autonomous private undergrad colleg-
         AUTONOMOUS ASC COLLEGES                                           es, they are ranked separately in our
                                                                           institutional ranking league tables. It’s
                                                                           quite possible — indeed probable —
                                                                           that a large number of school-leavers
                                                                           would prefer to sign up with private
                                                                           autonomous rather than tightly-con-
                                                                           trolled non-autonomous colleges.
                                                                             Just like the rankings of privately-
                                                                           promoted non-autonomous colleges
                                                                           are dominated by St. Stephen’s and
                                                                           several  colleges  affiliated  with  the
                                                                           relatively pampered Delhi University,
                                                                           the league table of private autono-
                                                                           mous colleges is dominated by  St.
                                                                           Xavier’s College, Mumbai (SXM)
                                                                           top-ranked for the past four years.
                                                                           Moreover, this league table is domi-
                                                                           nated by colleges promoted by Chris-
                                                                           tian education missionaries, some of
                                                                           centuries vintage.
                                                                             Indeed the annual EWIHER are
                                                                           testimony to the huge contribution of
                                                                           liberal Christianity which is increas-
         St. Xavier’s, Mumbai principal Dr. Rajendra Shinde: autonomous status boon  ingly being demonised by fringe ele-
                                                                           ments of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak
         An estimated 894 Arts, Science and Commerce (ASC)                 Sangh (RSS), the ideological mentor
         undergraduate colleges have been conferred autonomous             organisation of the ruling BJP at the
         status by the University Grants Commission. They have full        Centre and in several states. They
                                                                           need to be educated that despite pros-
         freedom to introduce new courses and draw up their own            elytization charges against Christian
         syllabuses and curriculums                                        missionaries, Christians constitute
                                                                           barely 2 percent of the citizenry and
                                                                           that their contribution to Indian edu-
                  nder s.3 of the University   awarded autonomy since 2010, St.   cation is totally disproportionate.
                  Grants Commission Act,   Stephen’s College, Delhi and several   Unsurprisingly,  Dr. Rajendra
                  1956, UGC has the discre-  other Delhi colleges which have the   Shinde, the unassuming and cheerful
         Utionary power to confer         required NAAC rating have not been   principal of SXM, is delighted to learn
         academic and administrative auton-  awarded autonomy, and remain tied   that this vintage college (estb.1869)
         omy on higher education institutions   to the apron strings of Delhi Univer-  which has 4,500 top-ranked school-
         (HEIs) awarded top A grading by the   sity.                       leavers on its muster rolls, is ranked
         National Assessment & Accreditation   It’s also noteworthy that in this   India’s #1 autonomous college for the
         Council of India (NAAC), and which   year’s EW India Higher Education   fourth year consecutively. “I am very
         in the commission’s opinion have an   Rankings, the total score awarded to   pleased that we are able to maintain
         excellent track record of higher edu-  St. Stephen’s is comfortably higher   our quality and fulfill the ever-rising
         cation delivery. Accordingly an esti-  than to St. Xavier’s. Moreover, an es-  expectations of society to keep our flag
         mated  894  Arts,  Science  and  Com-  timated 83 government colleges with   flying constantly at the top. All credit
         merce (ASC) undergraduate colleges   even lesser scores have been awarded   to our dedicated faculty and enthusi-
         countrywide have been conferred au-  autonomy and are ranked separately   astic, brilliant students’ community,”
         tonomy by the commission.        inter se in EWIHER 2023-24 (see p.   says Shinde.
           However, it is noteworthy that this   66). But not St. Stephen’s. Like God,   In particular, Shinde believes that
         power is discretionary and not always   UGC also moves in mysterious ways.   its autonomous status has enabled
         exercised logically. For instance, while   Be that as it may, to facilitate   SXM to rise and shine. “As an auton-
         St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai has been   school-leaving students to choose be-  omous college, we have full freedom

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