Page 142 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 142
Label specimen containers or bottles before the client voids
Note on the specimen label if the female client is menstruating at that time
1. Laboratory request form
2. Clean container with lid or cover (1): the wide-mouthed container is recommended
3. Bedpan or urinal (1): as required
4. Disposable gloves (1): if available
5. Toilet paper as required
1. Explain the procedure
2. Assemble equipment and check the specimen form with client's name, date, and content
of urinalysis
3. Label the bottle or container with the date, client’s name, department identification, and
Doctor’s name
4. Perform hand hygiene and put on gloves
5. Keep privacy (if necessary)
6. Instruct the client to void in a clean receptacle.
7. Remove the specimen immediately after the client has voided
8. Pour about 10-20 mL of urine into the labeled specimen bottle or container and cover the
bottle or container
9. Comfort patient
10. Dispose of used equipment or clean them. Remove gloves and perform hand hygiene.
11. Send the specimen bottle or container to the laboratory immediately with the specimen
13.1.2 Timed urine specimen collection
Definition: is a method of collecting urine specimens for a specified period. Some tests
of renal function and urine composition require urine to be collected over 2 to 72 hr. The
24 hours timed collection is most common.
The test allows for the measurement of elements such as amino acids, creatinine,
hormones, glucose, and adrenocorticosteroids, whose levels change over time.
A timed urine collection can also provide a means to measure the concentration or
dilution of urine.
Used to monitor input and output