Page 145 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 145
Either nurse or client will spread the client's labia minora with the thumb and
forefinger of the non-dominant hand.
Use the dominant hand to cleanse the urethral area with a swab(cotton ball or gauze),
moving from the front(above urethral orifice) to back(toward anus).using a fresh swab
each time, repeat front to back motion three times (begin with the center, then do the
left side, then do the right side
While continuing to hold the labia apart, the client should initiate urine stream into the
toilet or bedpan; after the stream is achieved, pass the specimen container into the
stream and collect 30 to 60 ml of urine.
For both
Remove the specimen container before the flow of urine stops and before releasing
labia or penis. The client finishes voiding into bedpan or toilet
Replace cap securely on specimen container (touch only outside)
Cleanse urine from the external surface of the container
Comfort patient
Empty bedpan (if applicable), remove and discard gloves, and perform hand hygiene
Label specimen and attach laboratory requisition
Take the specimen to the laboratory within 15 to 20 minutes.
Return equipment and wash hand
Proper documentation
Collecting stool specimen
Definition: Taking small pieces of stool from the patient for chemical, bacteriological or
parasitological analysis
To identify specific pathogens
To determine the presence of ova and parasites
To determine the presence of blood and fat
To examine for stool characteristics such as color, consistency, and odor
1. lean disposable glove
2. Tongue depressor
3. Bedpan
4. Screen
5. Air fresher as needed
6. Tissue paper
7. Specimen bottle
8. Labeling tape
9. Lab request
10. Glove