Page 149 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 149

Done for blood gas analysis   to determine Oxygenation, Ventilation and the effectiveness
                       of respiratory therapy and Acid-base level of the blood
                       Anticoagulant therapy
                       Clotting disorders
                       Symptomatic peripheral vascular disease
                       Negative Allen test
                       If the client is hyper thermic
                       Immediately after breathing and suctioning treatments
                       If there have been changes in ventilator settings
                   1.  5cc syringe with needle(2)
                   2.  Specimen/test  tube
                   3.  Fenestrated sterile towel
                   4.  Antiseptic solution
                   5.  Towel
                   6.  Cotton ball or sterile gauze
                   7.  Adhesive tape
                   8.  Glove
                   9.  Local anesthesia
                   10. Heparin

                   1.  Explain the procedure
                   2.  Collect necessary equipment
                   3.  Make sure the patient is seated comfortably.
                   4.  Assess the patency of the ulnar artery and adequacy of distal arteries to the wrist by Allen
                       test. Rest the patient's hand in his/her lap palms up. Clenching of fist blanches the skin of
                       the palms. Now compress the Radial artery and have the patient relax hands in a partly
                       flexed position. Normally the skin should turn pink indicating normal ulnar artery and
                       collateral flow. If there is a problem select a different artery for arterial puncture.
                   5.  Next, the area over the radial artery should be cleaned with alcohol wipes. Wear gloves.
                   6.  Draw 2% xylocaine into a syringe and infiltrate the skin and the area around the radial
                       artery draw heparin into a glass syringe and with it and then empty the syringe
                   7.  The small amount of heparin left in the needle and syringe is sufficient.
                   8.  Hyper extend the patient's hand to stretch the radial artery. Line up the artery with two
                       fingers with the beveled edge facing the upper portion of the vessel. Enter the artery and
                       attempt to go through and through the vessel.
                   9.  Slowly withdraw the syringe, stopping as soon as it begins to fill spontaneously.
                   10. Withdraw the needle while applying pressure to the vessel with gauze.
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