Page 146 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 146
11. Request chart
1. Explain the procedure
2. Wash hands
3. Assemble the necessary equipment
4. Keep patient privacy
5. Offer clean bedpan to the patient
6. Take bedpan to the utility room
7. Take a portion of feces from a different area of stool specimen
8. Throw tongue depressor into the waste can
9. Spray air fresher as necessary
10. Label bottle properly
11. Send to the laboratory
12. Return used equipment and wash hand
13. Proper documentation
Stool from a Client with Hepatitis: When collecting a stool specimen from a client with
hepatitis, write on the lab requisition form that the client has hepatitis. This increases the
laboratory personnel’s awareness to be extra careful when handling the specimen.
Send fresh stool immediately to the lab
13.2 Taking a blood specimen
Vein puncture
Definition: it is the procedure of using a needle to withdraw blood from a vein
Purpose: for diagnosis and for determining variation in blood composition if any
Site of taking venous blood
Ante cubital vein, ulnar vein
1. Test tube
2. Sterile syringe with needle
3. Tourniquet
4. Alcohol swab
5. Tray
6. Glove
7. Bed protector
8. Safety box
9. West receiver