Page 151 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 151

1.  Explain the procedure
                   2.  Wash hands
                   3.  Assemble  the necessary equipment
                   4.  Keep patient privacy
                   5.  Position client: semi-Fowler's position, sitting on side of bed or chair, standing for
                       coughing and expectorating specimen
                   6.  Apply clean disposable gloves
                   7.  Provide the client with a specimen container, and instruct the client not to touch inside.
                   8.  Instruct the client to take three to four slow deep breaths
                   9.  Instruct the client to emphasize slow, full exhalation
                   10. After a series of deep breaths, ask the client to cough after full inhalation
                   11. Instruct the client to expectorate sputum directly into the specimen container
                   12. Have the client repeat coughing until an adequate amount of sputum has been collected
                   13. Comfort patient
                   14. Send specimen to the laboratory department with its request
                   15. Return used equipment and wash hand
                   16. Proper documentation


                       Objective: At the end of the unit, the trainees will be able to:
                   1.  List the  purposes of  positioning
                   2.  Place the patient in  appropriate positions
                   3.  Explain different types of  positioning
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