Page 156 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 156
1. Oral thermometers in disinfectant solution
2. Cotton swabs in water
3. Dry cotton
4. Cotton balls in soap solution
5. Jar for dirty cotton swabs
6. Jar for the used thermometer
7. Paper, pen, temperature chart
8. Watch with second hand or sand watch
1. Remove the thermometer from the solution, wipe with cotton swabs; check reading on
the thermometer. If not down to 35 c (96 F) or below shake it down.
2. Place the bulb under the patient's tongue and instruct him to keep his lips firmly closed
but not biting the bulb.
3. Leave the thermometer in place for three minutes. Remove the thermometer after 3
minutes and wipe with soapy cotton.
4. Read at eye level, shakedown to 35oc or below, and place in the soap solution.
5. Record temperature on the temperature chart.
6. If in doubt as to the accuracy of the temperature taken it again with another
thermometer. (It may be taken rectally).
7. After completing taking temperature, collect the thermometer and take to the utility
8. Wash thoroughly under running cold water using cotton and soap. Wash from top to
bottom in a circular motion.
9. Dry and place in disinfectant solution for 20 to 30 minutes before again.
Contraindications for oral temperature
Children below seven years of age.
If the patient is delirious, mentally ill, unconscious uncooperative, epileptic, or in
severe pain.
Surgery of the month, infections of the mouth
Nasal obstruction
If the patient has a nasal or gastric tube in place
Dyspnea and cough
N.B: If the patient has taken liquids hot or cold or food or if he has been smoking you
must wait at least 10 minutes before, taking temperature.
1. Be sure to use rectal thermometers
2. Turn the patient on the side (if impossible) to turn, have him flex the knees)