Page 154 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 154

7.  Do essential examination to the patient

                       15.1 General examination
                       To assist the examiner during physical examination
                       To prepare the patient mentally and physically for the examination
                       To examine the patient properly and adequately
                   1.  Stethoscope
                   2.  Sphygmomanometer
                   3.  Flashlight
                   4.  Otoscope
                   5.  Ophthalmoscope
                   6.  Percussion hammer
                   7.  Tongue depressors
                   8.  Applicators
                   9.  Gloves
                   10. Lubricant
                   11. Tissue paper
                   12. Receiver

                       1. Place the patient on his back, unfasten gown (if in the OPD)
                           Help the patient to take off his clothes) and drape with a clean sheet or blanket
                       2. For examination of the abdomen
                   •  Place the patient on his back
                   •  Fold blanket or sheet down to the pubis
                   •  Instruct the patient to turn head away from the examiner
                   •  Cover the patient when the examination is completed
                       3. For examination of the chest
                   •  Assist patient to a sitting - up position
                   •  Turn patient's face from the examiner
                   •  For anterior chest examination, have the patient lie down on his back & fanfold sheet to
                       the abdomen
                       4. For examination of the eyes, the ophthalmoscope is used
                       5. For examination of the ears, an otoscope is used
                       6. For examination of the nose, nasal speculum and applicators are required
                       7. For examination of the throat, laryngeal mirror and tongue depressors may be used.
                       The tongue depressors are discarded after use
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