Page 159 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 159
e) Always place a sphygmomanometer on a level surface and where there is enough
f) Earpieces and the diaphragm should be cleaned with alcohol swabs.
E. Pulse
Definition: Pulse is the wave of distension generated in an artery by the contraction of
the heart.
Normal pulse range: 60-100 per minute average 80 beats/minute.
Characteristics of pulse
Rate –pulsations counted per minute
Rhythm – the regularity of the beat.
Quality – refers to the strength of pulsation, this will be described as strong or weak.
1. To obtain a baseline measurement of heart rate & rhythm.
2. To evaluate the heart’s response to various therapies and medications.
3. To assess local blood flow to an extremity.
Common sites for taking the pulse
1. Radial
2. Brachial
3. Apical
4. Carotid
5. Femoral
6. Pedal
7. Temporal
8. Posterior tibial
9. Popliteal
1. Wristwatch with second hand
2. Vital sign flow sheet and pen
3. Stethoscope
Radial pulse
1. Wash hands & explains the Procedure to patient
2. Position the patient comfortably with the forearm across the chest or at their side
with the wrist extended.