Page 162 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 162
1. Empty the bladder and rectum
2. Place the patient in sim's or dorsal recumbent position (see the section on positions).
The knee-chest position is sometimes used mainly for sigmoidoscopic examination
3. Place the rectal tray near-patient and open gloves
4. Adjust lamp
5. After the examination is completed, assist the patient to clean the anal region and leave
6. The patient comfortable, if the specimen is taken from the rectum, label properly, and
sand to the lab.
7. Cleans used Equipment and return to their proper places.
15.4 Vaginal examination
To investigate any abnormal of the female reproductive organ.
As an investigative in the female productive system during prenatal care & labor.
1. Towels and drapes
2. Kidney basins
3. Gloves
4. Lubricant lotion
5. Lamp
6. Bowel
7. Applicators
8. Slides and test tube
9. Vaginal speculum
10. Screen
1. Remove top bedclothes the drape patient's legs
2. Give bed pen and assist the patient to void
3. Place the patient in a lithotomy position and drape the legs
4. Adjust lamp
5. Open the sterile tray and assist the physician or perform the examination
6. After the examination is completed assist the patient to cleans the perineum and leave
her comfortable.
7. Encourage patient to relax and to breathe deeply during the examination
8. Is smear is taken label properly and send to the laboratory
9. Rearrange examining table.
N.B: Prepare patient for vaginal examination with minimum physical and mental