Page 165 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 165

Disadvantages & contra - indications
                       1. For a patient with nausea & vomiting, unconscious pts … etc.
                       2. When the effect of the drug is inactivated by digestive juices.
                       3. When there is inadequate absorption of the drug which leads to inaccurate
                       determination of the drug absorbed.
                       4. When the drug is irritating to the mouth membrane of the elementary canal.
                       Types of oral medications
                          1.  Lozenges (troches)
                          2.  Suspensions
                          3.  Tablets
                          4.  Pills & gargle
                          5.  Capsules
                          6.  Effervescent
                          7.  Syrups
                          8.  Powder
                          9.  Tinctures
                          10. Oily medication

                       1.  Tray
                       2.  Towel
                       3.  A bowl of water for used cups
                       4.  Medication  cup
                       5.  Measuring spoon
                       6.  A jag of water (bedside water)
                       7.  Chart and medication card
                       8.  Ordered medication
                       9.  Straw if necessary
                       10. Pill crusher/ tablet cutter if needed
                       11. Kidney tray/ paper bag (to discard the waste) (1)
                   1.  Explain to the  patient
                   2.  Assess the client for potential problems (e.g. absence of a gag reflex).
                   3.  Check for drug allergies.
                   4.  Perform hand hygiene
                   5.  Assemble all Equipment
                   6.  Verify the medication order using the client’s “kardex”.
                   7.  Prepare one client’s medication at a time
                   8.  Proceed from top to bottom of the “kardex” when preparing medications

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