Page 35 - BCICAI-Connect-Dec-2023
P. 35

your family, you cannot enter that space unless they  with work. Until one of my mentors told me, “Are you
            invite you in. However, the idea of personal space is  leaving space for your growth?”.
            malleable. We have the choice to change the definition.  I asked, “What do you mean by that question? I am
            4. All about Leaving Space                        doing everything for my growth”.

            Space  influences  our lives in  multiple  ways. When  “I know and appreciate it. But are you taking time
            we feel there is a lack of space in our life, we feel  out to reflect on what you are doing and where it is
            suffocated. When we leave space for others to grow,  leading? Keeping yourself busy with action may not
            they also help us grow. This is especially true in the  lead you in the right direction. Leave some space for
            work environment. When I got promoted to Assistant  reflection. Warren Buffett leaves a space between
            Manager, I was a control freak. I left no space for my  two appointments because he believes that leaving
            team to breathe until my boss called me and said,  blank space gives him time to think and reflect. You
            “Meenakshi, you need to trust your team and give  know Music Happens between empty spaces”.
            them space to handle issues on their own. They will   Over the years,  my opinion about space  has
            produce results that will help you grow” It took time   changed, in some areas gradually and in certain
            for me to implement this idea. Once implemented, it   places drastically. Reflecting on it, I agree with my
            helped me grow as a person.
                                                              grandfather. Everything in this world emanates from
            On  a  funny  note,  not  leaving  a  space  made  our  HR  what we hold in our head and how we feel about it.
            furious. One of my colleagues sent a sick leave   The information that passes through the space in
            request to HR. His reason for sick leave: Mysore   our head decides our life. It can put a person on a
            throat. (Mysore is a place in South India).       pedestal or push him down to the ground. Every
            HR called “Are you joking. There is nothing like Mysore  change in the information available in that space
            throat” My colleague explained “It is my sore throat. I  changes our behaviour.
            missed a space in between”
                                                              The Space celebrated as a temple of freedom now
            Leaving space in between can change the meaning of  could have been a place of ultimate aggression at
            the sentence.                                     a different time. It all boils down to one thing. What
            In certain situations, leaving a space in between can   people hold in that space in their head and how they
            add meaning to life.                              feel about it.
                                                              Your life, my life and the future of life on earth itself
            I have always believed in the proverb “Empty mind is
            the devil’s workshop”. So, I always kept myself busy   depend on what we hold in that space inside our

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