Page 37 - BCICAI-Connect-Dec-2023
P. 37
3. Follow Your Intellect (Buddhi): The entire be aware that sheer body and the sensory
decision making is driven by the attraction or organs, likes and dislikes, the gender, the colour,
repulsion towards the sensory objects instead the country are not the self. Understanding the
of the intellect. This results into an internal self becomes the base for the clarity we all
conflict between the mind, body and intellect. are seeking. The answer to most problems is
The individual feels dragged on many sides and achieved as soon as one understands oneself
feels lost. Krishna urges us to when faced with in his true nature. Krishna suggests to ensure
conflicting desires and emotions, rely on your that you remain aligned with your core values
intellect to guide decision-making. Let reason be and principles. Be unafraid to say “No” when
the guiding force. necessary and commit to your decisions without
constant second-guessing.
4. Know Your Foundation (Adhisthanam): Most of
the time, we just know that there is a confusion. In the world of entrepreneurship, timely decision-
But, we ourselves are lost about the reason of making is imperative. Decision paralysis is not an
such confusion. The exact factors which need option. While some decisions may lead to unfavourable
consideration when we face this confusion. Most outcomes, it should not deter us from progressing
of us don’t actually put our objective thinking and in our entrepreneurial journey. The Gita encourages
put the factors for the constraints and strong us to keep moving forward, unfazed by temporary
points on paper. Krishna urges us to Delve into setbacks, and avoid stagnation due to indecision.
the fundamentals by asking crucial questions I invite you to share your thoughts on how we can
about your business, its principles, and the root enhance our decision-making abilities. As we explore
issues at hand. these topics further, we will continue to draw inspiration
5. Stay True to Your Nature (Swa-Dharma): As we from Krishna’s teachings in the Gita to address the day-
understand the external factors, we should work to-day challenges that entrepreneurs face.
on jotting down the internal self. We all should
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