Page 36 - BCICAI-Connect-Dec-2023
P. 36


              An Eye Opener solution

              to depression - Krishna’s

              approach towards Arjun’s problem

              CA Mitesh Vinod Katira

              On the landmark occasion of the annual conference  This brings us to the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita,
              organised by the BCICAI, here is a special edition of  which provides invaluable wisdom in the realm of
              the series KrishanKon for the avid Entrepreneurship  problem-solving. Just as Lord Krishna guided Arjuna to
              or a CXO level job is inherently a journey of problem-  face the monumental challenges of the Mahabharata
              solving and value creation. Every business model  with courage and determination, we too can glean
              hinges on addressing a specific problem or need  important lessons from this ancient text.
              within a target customer base. The art of problem-  In Chapter 2, Krishna introduced the concept of
              solving is central to our roles as business owners or   “विषमे  समुपस्थितम्,” which essentially means
              CXOs, as it is inextricably linked to value creation.   standing firm in the face of adversity. He motivated
              There is some tightrope situation coming up daily   Arjuna, instilled a sense of purpose in him, and
              which creates depression and decision paralyses.   helped him overcome his doubts and fears. Krishna
              Sometimes, we one may feel dejected and wants to   emphasized the art of balance and introduced the
              run away from the situation with a flowery reason.  concept of Karma-Yoga, the art of performing one’s

              Drawing from my extensive experience, both as an  duties without undue anxiety.
              advisor and as a partner in our firm, I recognize the   Krishna’s teachings in the Gita offer valuable
              myriad challenges that entrepreneurs encounter   insights for effective problem-solving:
              in this problem-solving process. These challenges
              often  manifest as  dilemmas, such as  the  choice   1.  Establish the exact dilemma: Like Arjun, most of
              between acting swiftly or patiently, partnering, or   the time we don’t understand the issue that is to
              going solo, scaling up or staying niche, relying on   be resolved. In Arjun’s case, he discussed all the
              loans or using our own funds, adopting a generous   reasons why he doesn’t want to fight his own kins
              or a more conservative approach, prioritizing      in the great war of Mahabharat. Here he seem to
              speed or accuracy, balancing relationships and     have missed out the entire Dharma part which is
              commercial interests, embracing modern or          the core reason of the war and thinks that he is
              traditional work methodologies, and managing       doing it just for the meagre kingship.
              operational (OPEX) and capital (CAPEX) expenses.  2.  Avoid Escapism: Easiest route to our depression
              The inclination to view problems as impediments    is to escape from the situation instead of facing it.
              to growth is a common sentiment, but it is crucial   Our mind can creatively write a thesis like Arjun as
              to recognize that, in many cases, problems are the   to why we want to run away. We wrongly identify
              crucible in which growth is forged. Entrepreneurs   this running away as “Tyag” or renunciation. Krishna
              must confront these issues head-on, responding to   emphasizes that running away from challenges
              them with a methodical and structured approach     is not an option, even if one seeks renunciation
              rather than evading them.                          (Tyag) or detachment (Sanyas).

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