Page 38 - BCICAI-Connect-Dec-2023
P. 38


              Above and

              Beyond Numbers

              CA Mani Lakshmana Moorthy

              The accounting profession’s history can be traced  Historically, Chartered Accountant’s role has focused
              thousands of years into civilisation and it has  on ensuring the quality of financial reporting but
              evolved  over  the  years  since  Luca  Pacioli  first  increasingly in the public interest the scope will widen
              described  the  double  entry  system.  Having  been  to ensure the quality of non-financial information,
              born during the period of Baby Boomers and  including      sustainability-related  information.
              exposed to both the worlds of the traditional and   Chartered Accountants are expected to be versatile
              modern world of our profession, I am privileged  professionals who can navigate the complexities of
              to  see  both  worlds.  I  am  witnessing  a  tectonic  modern business environments. To meet current
              shift not only in the way businesses are being  needs, skills, and competencies that the economies
              conducted using technology but also in the role of  and organisations demand now, and anticipate
              Chartered Accountants. The global economic and  emerging  demands,  we  need  to  continually  evolve
              business landscape is changing at a speed and  by upskilling and employing them in our profession.
              with an intensity that seems unprecedented. It is  In addition to the traditional roles of Accounting,
              really challenging to adopt because, we’ve become  Audit, and Assurance, Chartered Accountants
              accustomed to the way things are.              of today play many roles viz., Risk Management,
                                                             Compliance, Corporate Governance, Advisory,
              Chartered Accountants play key roles within the
              business ecosystem bringing integrity and trust to   Forensic Accounting, Investments, and Information
              their communities, businesses, and economies.   Technology. Chartered Accountants are expected to
                                                             develop and maintain the professional competence
              “To continue to add value and to remain  necessary to provide high-quality services to clients,
              relevant, we must be able to meet              employers, and other stakeholders, irrespective of
              current needs and anticipate emerging          their role, and thereby strengthen public trust in the
                                                             accountancy profession.
              demands of the businesses.”
                                                             If you put a query “Future Fit Chartered Accountant”
              The fast-paced changes in digital  technologies, the  in ChatGPT, it lists technology proficiency, strategic
              globalisation of business, and many factors make it  advisory skills, business acumen, ethical and
              particularly challenging. Of course, this in no way is  compliance, communication and  interpersonal
              going to alter our belief system in accuracy, quality,  skills, and continuous learning and adaptability as
              integrity, ethics, acting in the public interest, and being  some of the attributes and capabilities needed to
              worthy of trust. However, it is important for us to look  adapt to the changing landscape.  However, in my
              above and beyond numbers to remain relevant.   opinion, in addition to the above, understanding
              There is a need to collaborate and partner with   the increased regulatory challenges, maintaining
              people in other parts of the business and outside   the highest standard of ethical principle, integrity,
              the business.                                  independence and commitment to act in the public

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