Page 40 - BCICAI-Connect-Dec-2023
P. 40


              4 R – STRATEGY

              Professional Service Firms – Selling Intangibles

              Jatin Karia
              Senior Partner l Grant Thornton - Bahrain

            I am a Chartered Accountant by profession and work  •   During my professional career, I learned that it’s a
            as a senior executive in a leading professional service   complete misconception that, in most cases, the
            firm. I have been a part of professional service firms   professional service firm’s clients are Companies,
            since  1998,  i.e.,  almost  24  years,  which  is  entirely   and their business model is B2B (except in a few
            different from my family background, where most are   cases where clients are individuals). However, in
            in grain (retail and wholesale) businesses.          all cases, it’s P2P, i.e., people to people. In these
                                                                 cases, the strategy of 4R can be crucial to the
            From childhood, I wanted to be in the grain business; it
            was apparent where you sell goods to the  customers,   success of professional service firms
            which are their necessities, and with surety that this  •   Relationship: Most of the service business’s first
            type of business will never die!!!                   circle of clients is from relationships, and once
            However, it was a completely different case in       the Company grows, most of the professional
            professional services firms, where, in most cases, we   relationships are personal. Clients should feel
            ended up selling intangible advice.                  at ease and comfort when they share their
                                                                 problems, as well as their vision and goals, with
            During the early days of my CA training, when I was more   their doctors and consultants.
            involved in audit and tax work, I asked my manager:
            “What is the surety of our business? He replied, “   •   In any service organization, the relationship
            There will always be compliance requirements for Tax   circle of their senior leadership is vital for the
            and Audit services. Yes, I was convinced.            organization’s success.
                                                              •   Reputation: In today’s world, it’s one way to build a
            Over  these years, my  perception changed when  I
            started wearing different hats during my career      Brand reputation through social media platforms by
            ladder. I realized that clients, especially in professional   different techniques, but it will only last if we can
            service firms, don’t choose you due to compulsion but   deliver on our promises to clients, which the quality
            choose you due to TRUST.                             of our services can earn. The client expects value
                                                                 addition and authenticity in the approach. We all are
            •   The business in professional service firms is the   making money, but the choice is ours whether to
                business of trust where you don’t sell visible,     make money from one project or relationship. We
                tangible products that can give demos or explain   must invest by providing exemplary service to build
                features. They will be able to experience benefits     our reputation and client relationships. Once we
                once the project is complete!!                   succeed, they will refer us to their contacts.

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