Page 3 - Sojourner Newsletter FALL 2022
P. 3
Volume 99, Issue 4 3
Lady Carol and I have been quite busy since our Annual National Encampment
in June. We started our adventures in El Paso, TX, where I had the honor to stand
up Border Camp, Heroes of ‘76 after its many years In-Memorium. It was an
exciting way to start our Centennial Trail. Then we boarded our 5 wheel RV and
headed to Alexandria, VA and Washington D.C. for the Federal ACE. We had a
delightful time with our previous Sojourner/Hero Family. Next was the Atlantic
ACE in the Harrisburg, PA area (home to our 2023 ANC!!) who hosted us with
style, including an informative tour of the beautiful Pennsylvania Masonic Home.
Next we traveled to Charleston, SC for the Carolina ACE and met some more
wonderful Heroes ’76. We then departed for Dayton, OH where we will
homestead on Wright Patterson AFB Family Camp for 5 weeks while we tour
around. We really enjoyed our first Commemorative Wreath Laying ceremony in
Circleville, OH to commemorate our Founding Father Brother Caleb Atwater. It
was very moving, including a dedication and the playing of Taps in person by our
Wreath Committee Chairman, Brother Paul DeMerath. The next day we enjoyed a
courtesy encampment for the Dayton Cadre for one of their own Recruits. The very next day found us
enjoying the Ohio River Valley Area Encampment in Annapolis, IL where we truly enjoyed putting two
Recruits through their paces followed by a lovely Bennington Banquet. During our travels Lady Carol has had
the privilege of presiding over the Camp Followers Degree for five of our encampments, which have been so
very well received and enjoyed. We want to thank all of our Cadre who helped with and supported our
Encampments and Camp Follower Degrees. Those efforts have made this leg of our journey so much fun and
memorable. I have taken every opportunity during our stops to present the Centennial Traveling Briefing to
spread the word and enthusiasm for this amazing celebratory year. At the time of my writing this article, we
look forward to attending the Central Area ACE in Omaha NE, our next Wreath Laying Ceremony centered in
Clarksville, TN followed by the Great Lakes ACE in Milwaukee, WI before heading home for the holidays.
We expect to be home by Halloween. We are truly enjoying our time on the road with our two cats and really
look forward to meeting new Sojourners and Heroes as we crisscross the country. I whole heartedly encourage
you to join us whenever you can to enjoy with us all that is going on during this amazing Centennial
Celebration Year. Please check out the Tool Kit on the NSI Website under the Heroes Centennial Tab for all
the information you need to become a Centennial Hero, Camp or Chapter.
We have also started a new donation campaign to raise money to buy a commemorative plaque for a tree and
bench on the grounds of our George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Alexandria, VA. This has
been very exciting, and I have put out the challenge at every ACE we have attended and we have already
raised enough money to buy a tree and are now striving to buy a bench, which will be inscribed with
Centennial Heroes of ’76, to be placed at the base of our tree when the project is complete. I would like to
reach out to each of you to each of you to consider donating to this most worthy cause by sending you
donation to our National Chief of Staff, Brother Brian Coffey at 134 Lenox Parkway, Martinez, GA 30907-
1479. Every donation makes a huge difference, and you will be included in our Donor Listing to show your
support for our Order.
This is our year to shine, and I encourage you to use this opportunity to get out into our Masonic and civic
communities and spread the word through programs and presentations that this is the greatest organization to
be a member of in all that is available to us. This is your year and I challenge you to take advantage of every
opportunity to leverage our Centennial to grow your Chapters and Camps and to stimulate your membership to
get involved and enjoy the adventure with the rest of us!
Randy Geck
National Commander (2022-2023)