Page 8 - Sojourner Newsletter FALL 2022
P. 8

8                                                                                             THE SOJOURNER

          Speaking  of  procedures,  I  am  thankful  that  Brother  Harry  Sanders,  PNP,  LOH,  is  a  member  of  this
         committee, and has drafted an updated, detailed policy and procedures manual that we will use as a living
         document  to  standardize  our  methods.    As  a  long-time  chairman  of  the  Americanism  Committee,  Brother
         Harry was instrumental in developing many of the programs we use today.

          Enhanced Communications
          To  ensure  our  successful  delivery  of  National  Sojourners   Americanism  Programs  to  the  field,  open
         communication  and  coordination  is  key!    Our  Americanism  –  Main  webpage  remains  the  most  accessible
         source of Americanism program materials.  We must use that forum to provide efficient tools to publicize all
         program opportunities to schools within the Chapter’s catchment area.  A review of all National Committee
         membership  rosters  reveals  that  many  key  members  belong  to  more  than  one  committee.    Some  of  our
         members, in fact belong to two of the committees that I think have the most connection to our success, those
         being the Bridge of Light Committee and the Education Committee.  We must work closely with the Bridge of
         Light  Committee  to  coordinate  outreach  to  Masonic  bodies,  especially  assisting  with  Masonic  youth
         organizations, and perhaps to improve access to community groups to promote Americanism programs.  We
         must work with the Education Committee, conveniently chaired by our Patriotic Programs Subcommittee Vice
         -Chairman Brother Paul Demerath, to promote our current procedures with our Order, especially at the Chapter
         level. “Together Everyone Achieves More!”

          We have lots of work ahead, but we have many talented members on our National Americanism Committee
         to  ensure  we  get  the job done!   So  far, I’ve  been  figuring it all  out  for  myself  while  working  with  select
         individual “smart guys” in our Order.  We must now begin to work within the committee to identify and assign
         members willing and able to work on specific aspects of our goals.  If you have, or know of anyone who has,
         special expertise in our programs, and is willing and able to do the work, let me know.  We have a seat on the
         committee for them.  I encourage the Chapters to take a good look at their Americanism programs, and to
         educate themselves and their customers on current procedures for our three main youth programs  – ROTC
         medals,  National  Essay  Contest,  and  the  Spirit  of  America  Youth  Leadership  Conference  at  Freedoms
         Foundation at Valley Forge.  If you have any questions or comments, I encourage you to contact me directly.
         This helps to build my knowledge, and to identify any program enhancements that may be necessary.  Thanks
         for  all  you  do  to  advance  the  Purposes  of  National  Sojourners®,  Inc.,  especially  in  the  delivery  of
         Americanism programs to our constituents.

          Stay well!


          Michael M. Wertz
          LTC, USA(Ret)
          Chairman, National Americanism Committee

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