Page 4 - Sojourner Newsletter FALL 2022
P. 4

4                                                                                             THE SOJOURNER

                                        NATIONAL SECRETARY’S DESK

                                  We  are  seeing  a  significant  increase  of  Applications  for  Membership  being
                                  submitted to the National Office from Chapters. I see Chapters being more active in
                                  their  communities,  their  Lodges  and  other  Masonic  Bodies,  and  even  working
                                  together with other Chapters and Camps. Keep up the great work! REMEMBER  –
                                  use the Application for Membership that is on our website at
                                  to ensure you are using the correct form that works in concert with our database at
                                  the National Office.

          May I ask a favor? When you send an email to the National Office please include with your name  – your
         Chapter name and number and your phone number. This saves us time and makes it really convenient to get in
         touch  with  you.  A  clear  and  meaningful  subject  line  helps  too  when  sorting  or  searching  emails.  We
         appreciate your consideration and help on this matter.

          Did you know at the last ANC (Annual National Convention) the proposed  Constitution and Bylaws was
         approved and adopted to replace our existing National Regulations and Bylaws by the voting delegates? It is
         an important milestone in our history. You should avail yourselves to reading and becoming cognizant of its
         content. A copy may be found through Chapter secretaries and our website.

          I hope you are getting excited about attending the upcoming Mid-Winter Meeting (MWM) – reference the
         centerfold  portion  of  The  Sojourner  for  more  details.  Training  sessions  are  planned  and  other  interesting
         meetings so make plans to attend. I look forward to seeing you there!

          Please take a moment during Thanksgiving to pray and give thanks for our men and women in uniform as
         we celebrate the FREEDOM they dedicate their lives to protect and preserve.

          Sincerely and fraternally,
          Mark W. Underwood
          National Secretary-Treasurer

                       Chapter, Camp and Club Statistics 01 July 2022 Thru 30 June 2023:

                       New Clubs

                       New Chapters
                       Treasure Coast Chapter #568 chartered on 07/04/2022

                       New Camps

                       Re-chartered Chapters

                       Re-chartered Camps
                       Border Camp of El Paso Chapter #74 Re-chartered on 07/01/2022

                       In-Memoriam Chapters

                       Closed Chapters/Clubs
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