Page 7 - Sojourner Newsletter FALL 2022
P. 7
Volume 99, Issue 4 7
A Sub-Committee for each major program…sort of
Our first authorized sub-committee is ROTC Awards. Brother Michael D. “Max” Schell has agreed to serve
as the vice-chairman. Max brings his experiences from the customer side as a Navy JROTC Instructor, as well
as his experience at the Chapter & Area Representative level. We look forward to his contributions to our
efforts. Fortunately, the ROTC/JROTC Medals Program is stable, and needs no major procedural changes.
We must continue to encourage local chapters to communicate early with their supported schools to provide
medals to deserving cadets. Also, remember whenever possible during school awards ceremonies to offer to
present “A Toast to the Flag.” Likewise, especially during this Heroes of ’76 Centennial year, to do so in
colonial uniform!
The major focus of the so-called Youth Activities Sub-Committee is the Essay Contest. I have asked Brother
Herbert B. Lynch to serve as vice-chairman. Brother Herb brings years of teaching experience to the table and
will do a fine job of evaluating contest submissions for the best quality content worthy of our thousands of
dollars in prizes. Since our guidance for the 2023 Essay Contest was determined back in the Spring, our
efforts for the remainder of the year will be mainly involved with evaluation of essay submissions from the
chapters, and development of next year’s theme. As a retired teacher myself, I will be assisting Herb to
develop objective rubrics for evaluation of essay content and format. We will also be working to streamline
the essay coversheet and theme for next year. Look for us to repeat certain past themes since the student
population rotates every four years. Suggestions from the field are welcome, as are committee member
volunteers to serve as essay graders.
Our third Americanism sub-committee is named Patriotic Activities and Freedoms Foundation at Valley
Forge. Brother Paul A. DeMerath will serve as our vice-chairman. Brother Paul has written several lesson
plans for patriotic activities. Some are already posted on the Americanism web page, with others to be added.
Brother Paul also serves as Chairman of the Education Committee, so this will enhance our goal to improve
coordination within our Order. Remember that all patriotic programs presented to the public count as
Americanism, but those presented to other Masonic bodies count as Bridge of Light!
As for Freedoms Foundation, I will do most of that direct coordination myself as National Americanism
Chairman. My proximity to Valley Forge was a key factor in my being named to this position. I will, of
course, rely on the strength of the Patriotic Activities sub-committee, and the Americanism Committee as a
whole to recommend the best practices moving forward.
Updates: FFVF Cost Increase & Online Registration; Revised Procedures Handbook
As mentioned, while our ROTC medals program is mature, our Essay Contest, and Spirit of America YLC at
FFVF require annual updates. I have mentioned what’s in the works regarding essays. Of significance this
year, given rising costs of doing business, we have a tuition increase from $275.00 to $295.00 for students
attending the Spirit of America YLC at FFVF. Concurrently, the cost has increased to $250.00 per adult
chaperone. Additionally, Freedoms Foundation has moved to an online registration system. This will reduce
our need to handle paper applications for sponsored students but creates other administrative challenges in
keeping track of tuition payments from the chapters. Look for more to follow on that as we work through the